
Reciepes from Central Greece

You will never go hungry in central Greece

Ask someone about Greek food, and some version of all or most of these dishes will be mentioned. From simple grilled foods and vegetable dishes to rich layered casseroles and delicate pastries, Greek food is a wonderful mix of dishes that appeal to all tastes. The traditions of healthy country cooking have been expanded over the centuries, and today, Greece is famous for a diverse range of family meals, holiday foods, and elaborate presentation dishes.

We want to present you some well-known recipes from Greece


It will remind you of the traditional revani but its secret ingredient is rice


  • 5 cups medium grain rice
  • 10 cups water
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 cups corn oil
  • 230 g blanched almonds
  • teaspoon cinnamon and cloves

Place the corn oil in a large pan and saute the almonds until golden. Heat the water in a pan and add the sugar. Add the rice, cinnamon and cloves, stirring continuously. The mixture should set, but it should not stick to the sides of the pan. Pour the mixture into a greased baking tin and bake for 1 hour at 180 C until golden



This is a traditional recipe and will bring back memories to those old enough to remember and a treat for the uninitiated


  • 1\2 kg wild foraged greens
  • 400g feta cheese
  • 2 cups olive oil
  • 3 cups cornmeal
  • 1 tablespoon salt and a pinch of freshly ground pepper

Cut the greens finely and add a pinch of salt. Break the feta cheese into small pieces and add to the greens, season with pepper, Brush a tin with oil and make a thick batter with two and half cups of cornmeal, one cup olive oil, a pinch of salt and water. Spread the batter in the tin and add the greens, press them in and add half a cup of olive oil. Silft the remaining cornmeal over the greens, so that it just covers them. Spray some water and the rest of the olive oil over the cornmeal so that it is nice and soaked. Bake for 60 min at 200-220 C



This traditional recipe is both delicious and crusty


  • 1 kg all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • Lukewarm water to make a pliable dough
  • Filling
  • 600g feta cheese
  • 1\2 kg butter
  • 1 egg for brushing

Place the flour in a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the salt , sunflower oil and mix together while slowly adding lukewarm water. Knead until you have a smooth dough that does not stick to the bowl. Leave for 2 hours to rest and then divide into 7 balls. Using your hands press and flatten the balls into a thin round, add butter and then the feta cheese. Fold in half and press to close. Place on the baking tray one by one and brush with beaten egg. Bake at 250 C for approximately 1 hour


The traditional Baklava

The wonderful dessert is baked with love in all homes t=ussualy to celebrate the New Year


  • 1 kg phylla pastry
  • 1kg Almonds
  • 250g bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 1 orange
  • 90 gr sugar
  • 600 gr butter
  • For syrup
  • 1 1\2 kg sugar
  • 1 tablespoon honey 3 glasses of water juice of 1 lemon
  • Filling

In a large bowl mix the crushed almonds with the breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, the grated rind of 1 orange and 90g sugar Brush a round tin with melted butter and place 5 sheets of phyllo pastry, brushing each with melted butter. Add the filling and spread evenly over the top sheet. Repeat with the remaining sheets following

the order Phyllo- brush with melted butter-filling. Reserve 5 sheets for the crust and layer them one by one after brushing them with butter. Bake the baklava at 220 C for 1 hour. In a pan bring to a simmer 3 cups of water, 1.5 kg sugar, 1 tablespoon honey and the juice of a lemon. The secret to its success? Leave covered overnight to rest this wonderful dessert


If you go to Central Greece is necessary to taste these wonderful dishes.


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