
Buza Bar in Dubrovnik

Buza Bar in Dubrovnik

Buza Bar- Best bar and views in town!
There are places and places in this big world. Maybe the best are the ones that offer not only drinks or food, but also an unforgettable view. I discovered Buza Bar in Dubrovink. In Santorini at Santo Wines or in Bulgaria at Kaliakra, el Balcon del Muno with a similar view. These are elegant and fancy, while Buza Bar is warm, intimate and welcoming to anybody.
The bar/terrace has been in Dubrovnik for 20 years and is a top destination for the Game of Thones crew. It offers a piece of rock at the bottom of the city wall. It is a terrace formed in steps, by the sea, with tables on the stone, access to water and a view towards the sun.
Buza Bar is a must do in Dubrovnik. If you leave Dubrovnik without spending at least an hour here, you missed one of the most memorable experiences offered in Dubrovnik.
It has been open for 20 years every year between 9 am and 2 am. Groups of tourists have been coming there for years and the clients do not only sit at the tables but also on the steps and the bottom of the rock. And they have a crazy marketing policy… “We are Buza Bar. If you get here, it is clear you came here for us!” And they act great with you because you deserve it. What is my point? The bar is outside the wall, it is not very big and it is relatively hidden. You cannot find signs to lead you to it and the entrance is through a tight street, then through a tight door in the wall. It is not very hard to find, but it is also not in the middle of the central market. You have to put a bit of effort to find it. But it is completely worth it! And in the end, if you get there then it is true that you were indeed looking for Buza Bar.
Do not search for modernism, you will not find it. You will find the most intimate place in Dubrovnik!
We got here in the evening and the atmosphere was very calm. The tall wall behind you, the sea at the bottom right at your feet, the lights in the distance, relaxed people at tables, on the steps or at the bottom of the rock truly led your heart and soul on holiday. The atmosphere is chill…If you reach here earlier during the day, I found out that some brave souls can jump in the water from the rock.
If you are at Buza Bar, ask for a “sex on the buza” or a “frozen margarita”. You will enjoy it and while you have the drink, put all your worries away. You are in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Make the most of it!

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